Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday fun

so, I've finally been converted to making a blog for our family too!! what a better way to start off than with a new talent Jade is learning!! Just today! She is learning how to stand by herself. Amazing seeing as we STILL can't get her to crawl with her belly off the floor and she won't sit up by herself for very long either. And she can't transition herself from any of it, Laying to sitting to crawling to transitions. But once already in the position she can do it. :) She's such a silly head!! But we love her SO much.

To add to our silly family, Today, we were talking of Super glue, and how I had glued a broken toy back together, Talmage's response..." You used SUPERMAN GLUE!"

During lunch today, I was feeding Jade, and she was not cooperating. She kept taking her carrots out of her mouth and playing with them. So I told Jade, "if you don't stop playing and start eating, I'm going to take you upstairs for Nap time" which I then hear Jonathan say, "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Apparently he thought I was talking to him. :)

Oh and we have lots of pictures to come of more sillies from our family! Stay tuned!! :)


  1. Super cute, glad you joined the blogging world! I'm excited to see more!

  2. You can definitely tell she is the princess of the family. I don't see any pictures or videos of the boys! :)

  3. I liked how she was wiggling her bottom as she stood looking outside. Adorable! Like she was dancing.
